Start Here Downloading Issues -

As with most common I.T. problems a quick reboot of your computer will fix a lot of errors or problems. Start here. Always try rebooting your system when you get an error or problems.

If the error continues it is always good practice to delete the Photoshop action, reboot the computer, re-open Photoshop and reinstall the action the correct way. (Click Here for an installation guide)

If the error occurs during download please try the following - Reboot your computer, Try a different browser, Try a different computer or try a combination of these. If the problem still persist please let us know by contacting us at

Unzipping the file -

  • All of our files are in zip format. Zip files are a normal transfer method online. It is important to make sure you have zip software, or your compression software is up to date. Our files can not be installed in this format (zip). It MUST BE UNZIPPED FIRST. Click here to see more information. It is important to follow this before contacting us.
  • If you receive an error that says "Compressed (zipped) folder invalid or Corrupted" - It may be because your system is running FAT32 File System. This is a known issue with the FAT32 file system. If you are trying to unzip a file that is more than 4 gigs. You should either use NTFS file system or use a different Zip Utility. Googled here
  • Most errors occur if the connection to the server is broken. Sometimes even a quick drop in connection which is undetected by the eye will cause errors in the zip file. Please delete the file and try re-downloading your files from our server.
  • Digital backgrounds must be unzipped before they can be opened up in Photoshop.
  • Please note that all of our files including Digital backgrounds, Brushes, Actions, Overlays, Textures & other resources come in the form of a zip file.

Most computers (Mac and PC) come equiped with compression/ZIP software. However there are free after-market zip programs that work better, and are more reliable. You can find them here. Apple Computer - Window Computers

Corrupt or Bad zip file errors explained. (Click Here)

Errors within Photoshop -

  • The most common error in Photoshop is "File is not compatible with this version of Photoshop." This error occurs when you attempt to install a zip file into Photoshop. Photoshop CAN NOT recognize this file type. Please see unzipping section above.
  • The brushes and/or Actions disappeared. This happens when they are not installed properly. Photoshop does allow quick installs by just double clicking on a .atn file. However it will not be cached if Photoshop crashes, or installs an update before shutting down Photoshop. Please refer to these links for proper installation. Photoshop Actions - Photoshop Brushes
  • Layer can not be duplicated - This error happens if you have not selected the 'Background' layer before hitting play on the Photoshop action. Some actions MUST have the background layer selected before it can properly run the action. This is a non-destructive way of keeping the file intact.
  • Snow action is just a white screen - Before running the action it is important to make sure you have your brush palette set to White in the foreground and black in the background.
  • Blur Gallery is unavailable - This error can occur for multiple reasons. If you are running in CYMK Mode it may cause this error in Photoshop. Running in 16 BIT mode may also cause this error.  If the RAM in your computer is insufficient and you have a lot of apps or programs running with Photoshop it may not be able to allocate the proper resources. It is best to restart your computer if you receive this error.
  • Can't open a Digital background or Overlay in Photoshop - Please click File, Open - Then browse to your Unzipped folder and double click the file you wish to open.